Live Better. Sell Better.

Match The Right Doing To Your Being with Townsend Wardlaw

Episode Summary

This episode of the Live Better Seller Better Podcast features Townsend Wardlaw, the Coach of BEing at PFC Coaching. There are lots of conflicting guides on what to do to close more sales but there aren't many that talk about who you need to be to become a better salesperson. Your choices create or don't create the results you end up with. Townsend shares how results come from actions which then come from thoughts. What produces the thought is your being. By shifting your being, you can introduce a completely different way of showing up to match your actions to your being, ultimately getting the results you want. HIGHLIGHTS Cracking the code on sales to create great salespeople Results are the product of action, which are the products of thoughts Being creates your thinking and how to world occurs for you Shift your being to uplevel your human experience QUOTES Townsend: "Thinking produces action and no two human beings have the same thought about the same set of circumstances. The circumstances aren't objective, they are a product of our thinking of it. This is where mindset comes in." Townsend: "I have an idea and the idea is what I call Being. It is our being that produces the thinking. What's being? Well, depends who you ask. For me, being is a function of a lot of things. Our upbringing, our race, our age, our sex, our trauma as a child." Townsend: "Being, at its simplest term, is how the world occurs for us. And based for how the world occurs for us, we will have the thoughts we have about it. We will take the actions that seem in alignment to produce and then we'll get the results we get." Townsend: "When we talk about shifting being, we're talking about changing the operating system of who we are." You can find out more about Townsend in the link below: LinkedIn: Website:

Episode Notes

This episode of the Live Better Seller Better Podcast features Townsend Wardlaw,  the Coach of BEing at PFC Coaching. There are lots of conflicting guides on what to do to close more sales but there aren't many that talk about who you need to be to become a better salesperson.

Your choices create or don't create the results you end up with. Townsend shares how results come from actions which then come from thoughts. What produces the thought is your being. By shifting your being, you can introduce a completely different way of showing up to match your actions to your being, ultimately getting the results you want. 



Townsend: "Thinking produces action and no two human beings have the same thought about the same set of circumstances. The circumstances aren't objective, they are a product of our thinking of it. This is where mindset comes in."

Townsend: "I have an idea and the idea is what I call Being. It is our being that produces the thinking. What's being? Well, depends who you ask. For me, being is a function of a lot of things. Our upbringing, our race, our age, our sex, our trauma as a child."

Townsend: "Being, at its simplest term, is how the world occurs for us. And based for how the world occurs for us, we will have the thoughts we have about it. We will take the actions that seem in alignment to produce and then we'll get the results we get."

Townsend: "When we talk about shifting being, we're talking about changing the operating system of who we are."

You can find out more about Townsend in the link below: